Agiloft - Importing New Employee Details

Agiloft - Importing New Employee Details

Steps to Import New Employee Details

To start with upload -> Go to -> People -> Actions -> Import

The Import tab – will take to this page. The first field needs to be ticked and then click next

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

File NameChoose the Data source file and click “Upload” 

Based on the built JobDiva BI report (refer excel - BI report - to prepare upload file), the data source/upload file is customised. Refer the excel - Agiloft upload - Import file Template based on Engagement Type.

Data format to be reflect as shown.

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

Options tab – Tick mark Run rules after import

Graphical user interface, text, application, Word, emailDescription automatically generated

Table Tab - Select Employees from drop down list and tick Create all missing choice values

Records Tab - Below all options to be selected. Match record to be “Email” as it’s Unique per candidate, if importing candidate’s details for the first time.

Fields TabSelect the fields/columns to be “Imported” or “Not Imported” from drop downs on right hand side against the corresponding fields/columns from the upload file that will populate here. Then click on Finish to complete the upload

Only for Mexico Employees - CURP, RFC and NSS number is applicable 

TableDescription automatically generated

TableDescription automatically generated

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