Ireland Part Timer Leave Entitlement

Ireland Part Timer Leave Entitlement

Ireland Part Timer Leave Entitlement

In Ireland there are the following rules to calculate leave entitlement with a maximum cap of 20 working days:


·         All employees who work at least 1,365 hours within a working year are entitled to a minimum of four working weeks of paid holiday in that working year.


·         If less than 1,365 hours, then one third of a working week's holiday for every month in which that employee works over 117 hours.


·         If less than 117 hours per month, then 8% of all the hours worked during a year to be taken as paid annual leave.




If the employee works part time with for 25hrs a week, it is less than 117 hours per month. In this case we should use the formula based on hours worked:


·         If less than 117 hours per month, then 8% of all the hours worked during a year to be taken as paid annual leave.


Total hours worked: 1300

1300*8%=104 hours of annual leave.


104 hours needs to be converted into working days of leave.

Assuming an 5-hour working day for this employee:



Maximum cap is 20 working days.





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