Mandatory Time Off

Mandatory Time Off

Mandatory Time Off Process

Identify the regions (APAC/EMEA) where the MTO is being applied and accordingly filter the data.

Notify the candidate informing them of the MTO and the fact that their leaves, if any, will be mapped against those MTO’s. If there are no accrued leaves, they will go as unpaid.

Candidates who are not willing to go on MTO can reach out to their respective line manager and once the exception is approved, can share that email with us.

Update the MTO days of the applicable candidates as leaves / holidays on Cascade.

Share the entire list of MTO/Exceptions with the payroll team. Inform Payroll Team which employees can go negative with their leave balance post the MTO period is applied.

Daily check FG to identify new exception cases and if any, notify it to the payroll team.



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