Maternity Leave Duration and Benefits - Rwanda

Maternity Leave Duration and Benefits - Rwanda

Maternity Leave Duration and Benefits - Rwanda


Maternity Leave Benefits (MLB) insurance is a maternity protection scheme that grants working women (mothers) their full (100%) remuneration while on a 12-week maternity leave.  



·        Sufficient leave for pregnancy and childbirth recovery; exclusive breastfeeding for the baby’s health and development, attachment and care; 

·        Full salary; 

·        One additional month of benefits in case of delivery complications, necessitating prolonged maternity leave. 


Eligibility Requirements for maternity leave scheme 

·        Must be on maternity leave; 

·        Must have contributed at least 1 month preceding the month in which maternity leave starts; 

·        Present a medical certificate of delivery. 



All workers governed by labour law, by general statutes for public service or by special statutes. 

·         0.6% of Gross salary 

·         0.3% employer’s share 

·        0.3% employee’s share

If an employee has more than one employer, each remits contribution. 

How do maternity leave benefits are paid 

The employer shall pay 12 weeks’ wages. At end of period, the employer requests RSSB reimbursement for the last 6 weeks of maternity leave. 


Request for reimbursement of maternity leave benefits 

The request for reimbursement form shall be filled by the employer and accompanied by: 

·        Application for maternity leave benefits form signed by the woman who delivered; 

·        A copy of identity card/passport of the insured woman; 

·        A document from the employer stating that the woman was on maternity leave; 

·        Detailed pay slips related to the maternity leave period signed by both employee and employer and stamped; 

·        An original copy of the medical certificate of delivery; 


When necessary: 

·         A medical certificate justifying the extension of leave; 

·         A guardianship certificate. 

When to submit the request for benefits reimbursement 


Within 6 months from beginning of maternity leave. 


Reimbursement Deadline 


Within 30 days from reception date of reimbursement request.


Reimbursement Amount 

Calculated based on last woman’s salary during maternity leave to which the contribution was subscribed. 

On giving birth to a still born child after the 20th week of pregnancy, such a woman worker is entitled to 8 weeks of maternity leaves from the day the baby dies. A female employee whose child dies after birth is entitled to a leave equal to the remaining days of her maternity leave. 
In the event of premature birth, the woman worker is entitled to a leave equivalent to the remaining days of her normal delivery period of 9 months. A female worker who has had a miscarriage before 20 weeks of pregnancy is granted a sick leave in lines with the relevant laws. 







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