Steps to Update Time Sheets:
1. After logging into Cascade, please click on the Timesheet option on the Home page.
2. After clicking the following page will be displayed. Please click on Self-Serve Timesheet option
3. After clicking that the following page will be displayed.
4. For all the working days please enter the work time. Usually it is Monday, so please mention for example 9:00 in the In column and 18:00 in the Out column. Once the time is entered please click on Save option.
5. Please follow these steps for all the days in that week and please click on Submit for Approval button.
6. Please follow these steps for all the weeks while updating Time Sheets on Cascade.
Please note: In case if any weekday is a Public Holiday in your country, that particular date will reflect in Purple colour on Cascade. As you will not be working on that particular date, you do not need to enter the time for that particular date only.