XML Holiday Policy - Turkey

XML Holiday Policy - Turkey

Holiday Policy - Turkey

XML encourages its employees to periodically take time off for annual leave, to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Accordingly, it is XML’s policy that all employees must use their annual leave entitlement within the employment year. In this respect, all employees must use at least two weeks (10 (ten) business days) of their vacation by the mid employment year in each year for rest and recuperation. 

Otherwise, the timing of such vacation shall be determined by XML, and it will be notified to the relevant employee(s) prior to the date of relevant annual leave. Annual leave not used until the end of such employment year will be carried over into the following year. 

In order to prevent conflicts that may arise between employees in taking annual leave, XML recommends that all requests for annual leave should be fully booked with relevant supervisors at least 2 months before taking such leave for full utilisation by the end of same employment year. If, for any reason, an employee fails to make the relevant bookings as required, XML shall be free to authorize its HR Department to make such booking at a time convenient to XML. 

All employees should also note that, for reasons of business continuity, XML does not accept single leave requests raised by any employee that exceeds 4 (four) weeks. XML shall monetize the balance of an employee’s remaining annual leave and pay same with such employee’s terminal entitlements where the employee’s service terminates. Similarly, where an employee has used more than their pro-rated leave allowance at the time of disengagement, XML shall deduct the monetized value of such leave from the employee’s terminal entitlement. 

Employees are advised to seek clarification on any aspect of this policy from ask@xml-int.com.



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